The Use of Hildegard of Bingen and Her Approach to Her Famous Texts
The Use of Hildegard of Bingen and Her Approach to Her Famous Texts
History is the systematic study of history. Events prior to the invention of written records are often regarded as prehistoric. ” historian “is usually thought of as a single person, although in fact there are several types of historians.
” Historists” include such figures as archivists, surveyors, historians, archeologists, and social scientists. ” Historians” generally write about ancient history. One type of historians are political scientists, who attempt to understand how various societies and political parties form and evolve over time. ” Historians” usually write about historical events related to the people and places they study.
The most commonly used format for writing history texts is described in the APA’s format of reference manuals. numbered reference pages are used for general discussions of history. numbered references can be self-explanatory (numbering from one to 100), but occasionally “authorities” (such as legal or church documents) are referred to as referring to “persons,” instead of numbering reference pages. For example, the tenth century BC ruling authority referred to as papal Bulls may be written as follows: ” Innocent III, Emperor of Italy,um ducatum edeatum, sese praesens, bonae quatuilium promissively.”
The Latin term for century, referred to as the Century of the Father is used to designate a certain period of time, roughly speaking. This was the first century after the inception of Christianity and it was this century that major innovations in learning occurred. A major innovation, noted by italics, occurred during the thirteenth century: the printing press. In addition to being used for mass publishing of texts in academic journals, the printing press also became the principal means of recording oral history.
All things considered, the use of italics and hyperlinks makes referencing sources more convenient and easier to read. In the case of studying history, referencing the right sources is important, as having access to important primary sources is a key to understanding how the past affected future developments. A good example of such a primary source is the Gospels of Luke and Matthew, which offer parallel accounts of the early days of Jesus, which scholars believe to be authentic.
Hyperlinks or highlighted text in web pages usually indicate certain topics or information that is relevant to a specific study or research. For example, using the hyperlink on the bottom left corner of a Web page to go to the index would bring up all the books listed according to the subject matter. But what if you are researching an entirely different topic and want to find all the relevant pages? In that case, it will be necessary to refer to all the other links found on that page, using the appropriate hyperlinks. It is for these reasons why using heian period texts and referencing them properly is crucial to your learning experience.