What Are Education News Subjects?
What Are Education News Subjects?
Education news is now a part of most news agencies. Newspapers, radio, and television today are all vying for the attention of educational institutions nationwide. They constantly update their daily education feature with significant and noteworthy quotes and ideas. In many instances, they highlight the latest in research and study and what this means to students, teachers, parents, and schools. Here are some notable quotes that made education in the headlines this past month:
“For education reformers, educlips are a goldmine. They can’t get enough of them. Every time a new educlip pops up in a newspaper or on an internet site, their collective hair will stand on end.” -New York Times education blogger Jerry Izenberg
“This is the year that every school in America will take the opportunity to submit its own educlip on the first day of the new year. In coming weeks and months, we’ll continue to monitor the impact of these educlips across the country.” -Education Week education blogger Jennifer Widmann. Education news websites are also featuring notable quotes that made education in the headlines throughout the nation. A few examples are:
“The first educlip I saw hit the headlines this month had to do with how to get more kids studying. Turns out that this educlip, which lists numerous ways to pay for tutoring, is one of several different ones that may be offered by the new Obama administration. I’m not sure if any of these options will actually pan out, but it’s nice to know what’s out there and to see what’s already on the market. That said, it’s hard to tell whether the government will really go all out and really push for more private schools to offer these educlips. They haven’t been all that talkative about this program, despite pleas from education reformers from both parties.”
“For educators, it is a good time to be thinking about duplication. There are numerous educlips out there covering a wide range of educational topics. However, it’s still very much a trial and error process as to how many can actually work. The edu clips that make the best read are those that cover important education news topics, so keep that in mind when you’re looking at the various educlips out there.”
You can see the full list of education news topics here. Education news can be an extremely beneficial resource when it comes to making changes to your classroom and/or school. Just make sure that you are taking the time to read these add clipping so that you can be certain that they cover the topic(s) that you need them to cover. Remember, the edu clipping is there for you to use for research! Educators need to use the add clipping to find out more edu information regarding education news topics, as well as how others are utilizing due to their benefit.