History News is Gaining Popularity
History News is Gaining Popularity
History News Network from George Washington University is an online platform for academics writing about current events. Students who wish to write about history can use the site to search for articles and post their own work, in a free community environment. The site has a section called “Your Stories” where students can submit guest articles. They can also browse through a gallery of past topics on historic topics. If you are browsing for original written work, this is a good site for checking out your writing skills.
Writing about history involves following different rules of grammar and style. Writing for a newspaper column requires strict adherence to the facts as reported in the column. On the Internet, one must adhere to the overall style of the site, which is more casual in nature. Students may opt to either write for a newspaper column or for the History News Network site.
The site has a Readership Survey that gauging opinion about its content by a question such as, “hence what is currently happening in your world?” The responses can range from one to five. A question like, “Americans like history to be interesting and informative.” receives a seven-point scale. This means that a reader who gives an answer based on this question is extremely familiar with the history subject and gives it a high rating.
George Washington, our nation’s first President, is featured on the site. Students can learn about his life, his service and his legacy through an in depth lesson about our first President. In addition, they can read letters that he wrote to Congressmen. Many of these letters have been added to the American Memory collection at George Washington University.
Students can also find information about important moments in history on the site. Two categories pull up a myriad of information on every topic the site covers. These categories include: Archives and Collections. Both of these categories list a variety of items that students can locate and read about, including books, periodicals, newspapers and other printed sources.
If you want your students to be more knowledgeable, the best place to start is through them. This is true with getting them to be passionate about history news. By giving them an outlet to express themselves and to offer their opinion, you are encouraging them to think out loud and to voice their opinions. Not only is it a good way to teach them how to express themselves, it is also a great way to help them expand their knowledge about history.