Some Interesting Facts About History Education andbreadmaking Instructions
Some Interesting Facts About History Education andbreadmaking Instructions
History is a study of human history. Human history is the collective history of the human race from the earliest times to the present day. Early events prior to the invention of written language are often viewed as prehistorical. “Prehistorism” is the belief that all human history is actually a history of the precursors and the divine spark within the history of mankind. “Prehistory” is also the umbrella term covering ancient history, the historic past, and the academic study of this past.
The first type of Historians would be the historians who would make a very detailed and knowledgeable historical handout called a historiographical essay. These are often called by different titles such as handouts or monographs. A handout is not intended to be an expert piece but rather a very in-depth explanation or summary of an aspect of an event. A monograph is similar in that it is written for a student, however, the focus is solely on the reader. A handout would normally be written by a single historian, professor, or writer with an additional purpose of motivating a student to further study a specific aspect of history.
Another form of Historians are the historians who are more educated guessers. These are the ones who are not interested in being able to prove anything, but simply want to relay what has been thought by other historians. Often these handouts will be used for classroom instruction or reading exercises as an introduction to the subject matter. A knowledgeable guess is much different than an educated guess. An educated guess is one who has taken some time to carefully analyze available information and reach a conclusion about an historical aspect of a given subject without necessarily relying upon personal observation.
Many historians prefer to use the word “historian” as a shortened version of “historian” or “teacher”. They are often the teachers of primary and secondary schools as well as those in history departments at colleges and universities. These individuals also often have specialized areas of expertise such as military history, American history, English history, or American government. Their qualifications can include a master’s degree, doctoral degree, and certification as a professional teacher.
Most of the history instructors I have observed prefer to use the word “historian” as a shortened version of “historian” or “history teacher” instead of a more specific title. One of my colleagues called herself a “good history teacher” which got her in trouble with several students because she used the word “historian” in her writing assignments. Inevitably, many of her students became confused when she referred to herself that way. Even though she corrected them later in the class, the fact that she chose to use the word “historian” in her writing assignments came back to haunt her in her classroom.
As a substitute for the word “historian”, many people call themselves ” Breadmakers” which is appropriate since they are not historians but more bread-making instructors! If you want to learn about history so you do not get into trouble with the police or take tests, then learn about breadmaking as a subject or focus on baking breads at home. You may be surprised at how many different variations there are within the topic of breadmaking. There is the quick bread which is usually covered in butter and called pocket cakes, then there is the loaf style loaf of bread where the crust is made to look like shingles on a roof. Then there is the breakfast loaf which is not only a breakfast but also a lunch or dinner loaf, a wholemeal loaf, crackers with raisins, cinnamon rolls, pancakes, French toast, or a roll of QR codes.